Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Triple Marker Test: Passed

Another hurdle this week, our Triple Marker Test passed.

We're really starting to get into planning mode now. We've booked our flights and accommodation in Delhi for July, we've bought a pram, figured out a car seat and Adam has made a list for this and a list for that. It's all very exciting

I've been in New York for a couple of days and got the chance to properly catch up on our news with two close friends. I love all their questions and their delight for us.

126 days until we fly to India....and counting.


  1. Really like your sroller! Lists, lists, lists...have you started a registry or are you foregoing that? We have outfitted the entire nursery with items our friends have purchased (bless them!...they are truly happy for us...and our journey has been a bit longer than everyone is extra excited for us). Time will fly by very fast. Before you know you'll be in India, holding your little guy/girl. Good luck with everything. Very exciting!

  2. Cool pram!!! The shopping is soooooo much fun!!! I really can't believe you are at 20 weeks already!! So glad all is looking good!

  3. Doug & Bill, you have such nice friends! Thanks for the registry tip.

    Bec, looking back, time has flown. Looking forward seems an age away! I hope we can pay you a visit in Aus when we're over later in the year.... x

  4. SO excited to hear we are on the same week and all. Love the stroller and update!! Time is flying...i agree with my old pals Doug and Bill it took us a VERY long time to get here but glad we will be sharing it with you all...enjoy the shopping!! Nursery pics are a must, we love to see pics!
